. Stay Motivated over the Winter Months | The Fitness Adviser

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Stay Motivated over the Winter Months

Christmas is behind us and the New Year should equal a new, healthier, fitter you, right? Most of us have eaten or drank far more than we normally would do and so we begin our much thought about plans of a regular gym routine and a healthier lifestyle.

So, we have come up with some top tips to help keep you motivated and on track with your gym routine. Keep up with all those good intentions - feel better, look better and be healthier overall.

1. Time it right!

Timing is so important and you must make sure that you fit going to the gym into your daily routine. Lots of people find going in the morning suits them best. Not only do you tend to miss the ‘evening mayhem’ – when the gym is at it’s busiest but also it gives you a dose of energy to start your day with. Working out first thing in the morning can also help improve metabolism.

2. Keep it achievable!

There’s no point aiming too high. Set your goal before you start at the gym and keep to it. Once you start visually seeing your progress and getting closer and closer to your goal, staying motivated is a breeze.

3. Companionship

It really helps having a friend or companion to go to the gym with. You will both motivate each other and you’ll find that you urge each other on. If you don’t have anyone to go with just yet, don’t worry, you will soon meet someone at the gym who is at about the same level as you who you can become gym partners with.

4. Make a work-out routine

The gym can feel rather intimidating when you first walk in, if you’re not sure where you’re headed or what machine to use first. It’s a good idea to keep a routine so that you know exactly what to expect.

5. Measure your progress

Whatever your goal may be – whether it be to tone up, lose weight, gain muscle – keep track of it! Measure/weigh yourself or even better take a picture of yourself before you start at the gym. This way you have something to compare to and seeing your progress will make it so much simpler to stay motivated. Some people like to keep a digital graph on a computer – this is a very visual tool and will make you feel great about yourself.

The first couple of weeks are the hardest – once you get yourself into a regular routine you will find it as easy as anything. Your body will adapt and you will realise how much you enjoy going – take some time for yourself, put your music on and put your all into your work out. De-stress, relax and see the changes in yourself both physically and mentally take effect.

Good luck, you can do it!

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