. Top 10 tips for maintaining fitness at home | The Fitness Adviser

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Top 10 tips for maintaining fitness at home

We know that life can get in the way of exercising and sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get to the health club as regularly as you'd like!

For this reason, we’ve come up with some top tips to help squeeze some exercise into your busy life! Little extras will help play a massive part in helping to keep you fit and healthy...

1. When you wake up

Instead of getting straight out of bed and into the shower, try doing some squats first. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and slowly bend your knees and hips and lower your body down. Then stand up again and repeat. Make sure you don’t lean forward as you bend down. The lower you go, the greater the effect.

2. In the shower

The shower is a great place to get a bit of exercise in and calf raises are ideal for this. Keep your feet shoulder width apart and your feet flat to the ground. Without moving your feet lift your heels as high as you can off the ground, so that you can feel your calf muscles tighten. Then slowly lover your heels again, repeat as many times as possible.

3. Travelling

It may be an obvious one but instead of always taking the easy option and driving or getting the bus, walk or cycle! We know it’s not always possible but whenever it is, do it. Set your alarm a little earlier, and make the effort to walk/cycle to work/the shops or wherever it might be. If you must drive/take the bus then try parking a little further from where you need to get, or get off the bus a stop or two early. An extra twenty minutes of brisk walking or cycling a day will make such a big difference, and you’ll feel better for it! On top of that you’ll be saving money…. Give it a go and see!

4. At your desk

If you tend to sit at a desk all day, try toning your bottom and thighs with this easy exercise. Sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the floor and your hips square. Place either a cushion or a rolled up jumper between your thighs and squeeze whilst clenching your buttocks. Hold it for five seconds, not allowing the cushion to fall, relax and repeat six times.

5. When at home

Get exercise when you’re at home – if you have kids, go outside and play with them – Frisbee, tag, football, whatever! Whatever you do you will be burning calories and having fun whilst you do it!
If you don’t have kids, do some gardening, mow the lawn, do some weeding or planting, gardening is a sure way to burn extra calories.

6. Cleaning

Many of us find cleaning very therapeutic. And it can be a great workout too! Just hovering can burn almost 200 calories in an hour. The more effort you put in the more you will get out – polishing, dusting and mopping are great for maintaining shapely arms. Making the bed, washing the windows and doing the laundry can be great for your thighs and running up and down those stairs whilst you do it is great for a cardio workout!

7. When you’re shopping

Just doing your supermarket shopping can burn up to 100 calories! To burn ever more, try leaving the trolley at the end of the aisle and then going to fetch your items – by walking to and from the trolley, or if possible use a basket instead of a trolley. Carrying the heavy basket will also increase the amount of calories you’re burning.

8. Take the stairs

This might not always be possible but whenever it is, it’s a great way to increase those burnt calories. Whether you’re at the office, a hotel, a shopping mall – try to take the stairs rather than a lift or escalator. Even better than walking up them, run or keep a brisk, steady pace. You’re thighs will feel the difference in no time.

9. Before bed

Before you get into bed, why not do some sit ups. Lie on a mat on the floor with your knees bent. Then sit up – lifting everything superior to the buttocks up off the ground and go back down again. Do as many as you can before having to relax for 1 minute and then repeat.

10. Whilst your watching TV

Watching TV is a good time to get a few exercises in! The plank exercise is a really great way of toning up your abs and other core muscles such as hips and back. Lie on a mat, on the floor face down. Then prop yourself up using your fore arms and your toes, so that you make a bridge-like position. Keep your head down looking between your arms and try to keep in that position for as long as you can (for beginners, approximately 10 seconds). Make sure not to let your hips sag downwards towards the floor.
Other exercises such as sit ups, press ups etc are also great to do in front of the TV.

It might seem hard to exercise when you live a busy life but if you follow these top tips, you’ll see that it’s actually quite easy and once you get into the routine, it will become second nature. See how much of a difference these little exercises will make – we’re sure you’ll be surprised.

If you need a kick start, a fitness boot camp is a great way to start your new routine!

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